
cool homepages and neocities sites

Aegi's Cafe Tangerine Tree Ribozone Cinni's Dream Home A.N. Lucas's Web Lounge irony machine plasticdino Whimsical! spiritcellar Kirby's Dream Site! Renyoi

Sankt Blamensir Monastery A lovely Medieval monastery!! A rly neat site with lots of info about 19th-century American literature.

cool sites!

Powers of 10 Textfile Directory

Cameron's World A really cool tribute to Geocities-era web design.

Smithsonian Open Access millions of free-to-use images from the Smithsonian!!

MyFridgeFood Look up recipes based on what you have in your fridge/pantry.

ORBIS The Stanford Geospatial Network Model of the Roman World

Your Sky "The interactive planetarium of the Web." Creates skymaps for any time and date, viewpoint, and observing location. If you enter the orbital elements of an asteroid or comet, Your Sky will compute its current position and plot it on the map. Fun to play around with, and possibly a helpful tool for amateur/backyard astronomers.

Solar System Live "The interactive Orrery of the Web." View the entire Solar System, or just the inner planets. Controls allow you to set time and date, viewpoint, observing location, orbital elements to track an asteroid or comet, etc. Fun if you like astronomy, and helpful (I imagine) for those interested in Astrology.

Chromoscope "Ever wanted X-ray specs or super-human vision? Chromoscope lets you explore our Galaxy (the Milky Way) and the distant Universe in a range of wavelengths from gamma-rays to the longest radio waves."

The ADHD Analog Brain A tool designed to overcome your executive dysfunction by asking you questions and leading you to a helpful answer. Extremely helpful, I can confirm! For anyone who has trouble with executive functioning—from ADHD, Autism, TBI, depression, etc.

drububu's pixel art tutorial How to do pixel art in MS Paint

star trek sites

Ex Astris Scientia The Star Trek Midi Page Memory Alpha Adge's Star Trek Media Site


*NaNcY*'s Cat Animation Gallery Glenda Moore's Catstuff Graphics 99GIF shop Bonnibel's Graphic Collection blinkie maker: build a blinkie!


88x31 Button Maker

Word Art generator

Interested in the Old Web? Want to make your own site?

web hosting:

Neocities is a super great place to create your own webpage!! It's free, and there's a lot of super cool sites & people on here. I definitely recommend it.

Leprd a free web hosting service for personal and hobby websites.

resources for html/web authoring:

MDN Web Docs i have no idea what i would do without MDN web docs i rely on this website SO much lol

Dan's Web Tips good tips. if you're new to web-authoring, i recommend giving them a read

Free Site Design Tips and Tutorials at Site design tips and tutorials. Some of the HTML/CSS help is a little outdated (teaches HTML 4.1 standard instead of the current 5.0 standard) but. shrugs. it's probably fine.

HTML Cheat Sheet

web 1.0/old web revival-related links:

The Old Net is a hub/search engine made with the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, for vintage computers that can't really browse the modern internet very well. It's fun to browse on a modern computer too!

Wiby "The Wiby search engine is building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet. In addition, Wiby helps vintage computers to continue browsing the web, as pages indexed are more suitable for their performance."

World Wide Web The original website of THE World Wide Web Project

Geocities Gallery Archive of Geocities sites sorted by neighborhood

super sick resources for learning about things!!!

Internet Archive

Project Gutenberg OVER 70,000 FREE BOOKS!!!!!!

Libretexts FREE ONLINE TEXTBOOKS!!!!! truly a godsend. i can't even express how much this site has helped me

web tools, software, etc.

Glaze and Nightshade, tools that protect your art/images you upload from being fed into generative AI models without your consent. Glaze is just defensive and protects against AI models copying your art style. Nightshade turns images into "poison samples" so that models training on them will "learn unpredictable behaviors that deviate from expected norms, e.g. a prompt that asks for an image of a cow flying in space might instead get an image of a handbag floating in space."

The Alphabetizer Alphabetize any list...and so much more!

JustDeleteMe A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.

ezgif(dot)com now! A great tool to make gifs

Get uBlock Origin a free, open-source ad content blocker.

Get Firefox The best browser.. (imo)

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) A wonderful free, open-source alternative to Photoshop.

The End of the Internet