I love a rainy night I am crazy!! A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind I love sweet tea Love orange. be cool I love summer Nosey little bastard aren't you? I gaze at stars I need some sleep I love snoopy


hi! i'm lynn, welcome to my homepage!!

this site is a home for all the stuff that takes up way too much space in my head. a lot of it is perpetually unfinished, and it's all my own messy, questionably-formatted html. if you see anything broken, please let me know! (uhh.. when i eventually give u a way to contact me. which will definitely happen eventually. probably)

facts about myself:

  • my favorite color is orange (in-context orange. sunsets n fall leaves type beat. i wouldn't like, paint my room orange)
  • my favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
  • i love music!! i play several instruments ("several" as in 3)
  • i don't really have a single favorite animal, but i really like tigers and birturongs (aka bearcats)
  • i'm trying to learn arabic right now, fingers crossed i'll stick to it & won't lose motivation!

stuff i'm interested in:

  • linguistics (especially sociolinguistics & dialectology!)
  • history and anthropology
  • ancient cultures (esp. greco-roman & other cultures of antiquity)
  • folklore & folk culture
  • star trek!!
  • space!! i wanted to be an astrophysicist for a while when i was little

stuff i like to do:

  • read
  • draw
  • make this website :-)
  • play music
  • cross stitch
  • play stardew valley
  • play animal crossing
  • lately i've been getting into baking!
  • i do more thinking about poetry than actually writing it. dunno if that counts

a letter being sent from one computer to another

feel free to contact me! -- i've been meaning to set up an email address or contact form for this site, but haven't had the time. check back later. ok, the real reason i haven't set up anything is because i'm a lazy bum. i mightt probably get around to it eventually. if u really want to get a hold of me, you can comment on my neocities profile!

There's no place like home