hi! i'm lynn, welcome to my homepage. i hope you have a good stay :-)
this site is a home for all the stuff that takes up way too much space in my head. a lot of it is perpetually unfinished, and it's all my own messy, questionably-formatted html. if you see anything broken, please let me know! (uhh.. when i eventually give u a way to contact me. which will definitely happen eventually. probably)
here are some facts about myself:
- my favorite color is orange (in-context orange. sunsets n fall leaves type beat. i wouldn't like, paint my room orange)
- my favorite book is A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
- i love linguistics, history, anthropology, and folklore/folk culture
- i love to read
- i love music
- i love to yap
feel free to contact me! -- i've been meaning to set up an email address or contact form for this site, but haven't had the time. check back later.